The Direction in Viewing the Past

To which destination are you moving in your personal history? If your direction is wrong, you will multiply the burden of the past. If it is right, you will decode, become free by transcending the past and become lighter. Moving forward back in our advanced ages is straightforward. We can easily break away from the moment and slip into the past. We distance ourselves from the future and become past-oriented, for we are nearing the end, and whatever we are going to do, we have done so far. But those at an early age are more future-oriented. But these young people, too, do and should look to the past. Our article is about journeys to the past. When we dive into the past, there are positive, negative, and neutral memories. Right decisions, successes we show, loving friendships, situations where the ego is stroked, etc., are some of our positive memories. Wrong decisions, defeats, humiliations where the ego is battered, etc., are our negative memories. Thinking and evaluating the past life...