Bean Technique in Time Management

We are not aware of how much time we spend on idle activities. It must not be nice to understand how we dissipate precious and limited time when we put our heads on the pillow in the evenings. When we evaluate the months, years, and all life, we may feel the burden of whatever we want to do but cannot do. Not to regret tomorrow, we desire to take on the reins of our life as soon as possible without being caught up in the sweet wind of distractions and to engage in functional activities. But how will we do that? With the idea of further facilitating my self-control, I developed a technique I called the bean technique, inspired by what James Clear described in his book Atomic Habits. I took two tea plates and put six beans in one. Six beans represent 6 hours of proper use, each for one hour. Throughout the day, for every hour I use for the activities I aim for, I take off a bean from the full plate and put it into the other one that starts empty in the morning. netsentez My goal is to ...