Meditation - Mindfulness Breath

Finally, I found meditation as a way to get rid of overthinking obsessions and similar annoyances. I also recommend it to those who are dealing with such problems. I was born in 1961. My student and professional life coincided with the turbulent times of my country, Turkey. It had been difficult for me to maintain my psychological balance among people who blindly believe stereotypical norms of their groups instead of general morality and ethics. Working without entering the magnetic range of any group brought about interpersonal conflicts. There were many times when I was overwhelmed and looked for a peaceful corner to escape. Finally, I retired in 2002 without severe loss. When I look back, I see many successful projects together with interpersonal conflicts. As I stepped into my pleasant corner and dreamed of a peaceful life, the troubles and memories I had in the past started to disturb me. I once reflected my mood in my diary like this: "Because of the ...